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Check All Option On Aurelia, Can This Be Improved

Right now we have the following code which fills kind of 'dirty' with the power of aurelia bindings: HTML , checked: false }, { display: 'test 2', checked: false }, { display: 'test 3', checked: false }, { display: 'test 4', checked: false }, ]; } checkAll() { this.items.forEach(i => i.checked = this.isAllChecked); } }


    <input type="checkbox" value="true" checked.bind="isAllChecked" change.delegate="checkAll()" />
    Check All
  <label repeat.for="item of items" style="display: block">
    <input type="checkbox" value="true" checked.bind="item.checked" />

Here is an example

If for some reason the change method is not enough, you could use the bindingEngine to observe the checkbox. Like this:


import {BindingEngine} from 'aurelia-binding'; //or aurelia-framework
import {inject} from 'aurelia-dependency-injection'; //or aurelia-framework

export class Welcome {
  constructor(bindingEngine) {
    this.bindingEngine = bindingEngine;
    this.checkAll = false;
    this.items = [
      { display: 'test 1', checked: false },
      { display: 'test 2', checked: false },
      { display: 'test 3', checked: false },
      { display: 'test 4', checked: false },
    this.checkAllSubscriber = this.bindingEngine.propertyObserver(this, 'checkAll')
      .subscribe((newValue, oldValue) => {
        this.items.forEach(i => i.checked = newValue);

  detached() {


    <input type="checkbox" value="true" checked.bind="checkAll" />
    Check All
  <label repeat.for="item of items" style="display: block">
    <input type="checkbox" value="true" checked.bind="item.checked" />

Remember to call dispose() when you no longer need it.

Here is a working example

These are the solutions I have found. I will update this answer if I find another approach.

Hope this helps!

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