JavaScript Move Delay And Multiple Keystrokes
Solution 1:
First, to avoid the keypress/repeat delay, you have to wrap your program in a loop, and make the state of the keyboard available inside the scope of that loop, secondly to monitor multiple keypresses you need to keep track of individual keydown and keyup events:
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
// store the current pressed keys in an array
var keys = [];
// if the pressed key is 38 (w) then keys[38] will be true
// keys [38] will remain true untill the key is released (below)
// the same is true for any other key, we can now detect multiple
// keypresses
$(document).keydown(function (e) {
keys[e.keyCode] = true;
$(document).keyup(function (e) {
delete keys[e.keyCode];
// we use this function to call our mainLoop function every 200ms
// so we are not relying on the key events to move our square
setInterval( mainLoop , 200 );
function mainLoop() {
// here we query the array for each keyCode and execute the required actions
x -= 10;
$("#square").css("left", x);
x += 10;
$("#square").css("left", x);
y -= 10;
$("#square").css("top", y);
y += 10;
$("#square").css("top", y);
Solution 2:
If you are trying to implement game-like 2d sprite movement, I suggest you have a notion of x and y velocity, rather than moving the sprite a fixed amount on keypress.
So on keypress, add or subtract from x or y velocity.
var xvel = 0,
yvel = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0;
setInterval(function () {
y += yvel;
x += xvel;
$("#square").css("left", x);
$("#square").css("top", y);
}, 16); //run an update every 16 millis
document.addEventListener("keydown", move, false);
function move(event){
xvel -= 10;
xvel += 10;
yvel -= 10;
yvel += 10;
You would also need to worry about a keyup event, however, as the velocity would stay until you cancelled it out.
You can use setInterval
to update the position of the sprite every x milliseconds. (Game tick)
To move diagonally, just add/subtract from the velocity of both x and y simultaneously.
This is just an example, but there are more examples out there on sprite movement.
Solution 3:
have you looked here? you should be able to do diagonal moving by checking if multiple keys have been pressed down without being released.
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