Why Is Undefined Being Returned For Meteor.call() In Client?
So I'm attempting to access the twitter REST API and retrieve the screen name of a tweet. I feel like my code will be better explanation: I'm calling the method 'screenName' from t
Solution 1:
Your server method needs to be synchronous. The callback in the method is returning after the method has already returned undefined
. I'd like to be more specific but I'm not sure what library you are using.
You can get a feel for this by looking at the examples from the HTTP.call documentation. Your code could look something like this:
Tget = Meteor.wrapAsync(T.get);
'screenName': function() {
try {
var result = Tget('search/tweets', {q:'#UCLA', count:1});
return result.statuses[0].user.screen_name;
} catch (e) {
return false;
See the docs for more information on wrapAsync
Solution 2:
You are only returning data.statuses[0].user.screen_name
from your inner function. You need to return it from your screenName
method to have it available in Meteor.call()
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