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How Can Get Start And End Time On Fullcalendar?

how can i get start and end time of visible days in fullcalendar? I need it for use in another javascript instace. Is there some function like - $('calender').getStartTime(); ?

Solution 1:

If you're looking for the visible start and end date, that would be the visStart and visEnd property of the view object in version 1:



and that would be intervalStart and intervalEnd in version 2:



If you're looking for the start and end date of the current week / month, that would be the start and end property of the current view object:



Reference : Full Calendar documentation.

Solution 2:

I don't know why I'm seeing such different behavior but thanks to the others, I got in the right direction but the "start" and "end" are moment() objects. Thus to get the actual date, you need to use:


Works exactly like I need and what the OP asked. NOTE: The end date is one day after the calendar. That is, the calendar I'm looking at starts on Sunday 7/31/16 ends on Saturday 9/10/16 - and the date given me are 2016-07-31 and 2016-09-11 (one day after the date shown technically - of course if you say "00:00:00" of those days you'll be accurate).

Solution 3:

version 5

var start = calendar.view.activeStart;
var end = calendar.view.activeEnd;


Solution 4:


Solution 5:

version 4

You can just use calendar object and get satrt/end dates

var start = calendar.view.view.activeStart;
 var end = calendar.view.view.activeEnd;

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