How Do I Set A Variable In A Php Page, Pass It To A Css File And Assign It To A Single Css Attribute?
Solution 1:
I'm not familiar with the engine you mentioned (Serindipity), but this should be pretty straightforward, as long as you are allowed to create and edit your own Php-scripts (which really shouldn't matter as long the engine isn't dependent on the name of the style-sheet
Change the file-ending of the style-sheet to
and the webserver will recognize it as a php-script. Set the mime-type to text/css like @Brighty wrote
header('Content-type: text/css');
and the user will never know the difference (except, of course, the file-ending being .php
If the style-sheet having a file-ending of .php
is a problem, you can always use .htaccess and some clever regex to make the user believe they are seeing a .css
Edit: Also, if you have access to configure what file/s will be recognized as php-scripts, you can set your server to also recognize .css
as a php-file (which, as far as I know wouldn't be a problem, since php will just toss any plain text encountered out to the user).
Solution 2:
Just make sure your file is a .php
file and you can just use PHP in it like so:
<?php$colour1 = isset($variable) ? $variable : '#000';
header("Content-Type: text/css");
body {
background: <?phpecho$colour1; ?>
div {
color: <?phpecho$colour1; ?>
Obviously this is quite flexible! Here's a link I found extending the method even more.
Solution 3:
you can't set any variable in the css file, jquery or javascript is the best option to play with your css file.
or you will do with inline css.
Solution 4:
You may be able to achieve this by mixing css and php code in a single file with a php extension, and setting the mime type of the file to 'text/css'.
header('Content-type: text/css');
I have done a similar thing in ColdFusion but never in php so I can't guarantee this will work.
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