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How To Get Elements From A Webpage Dom Into My Background.js?

I`m trying to make an extension for Chrome that automatically logs in to this web page. It does this by detecting when I enter the page, then it redirects the browser to the login

Solution 1:

Background scripts can't interact directly with the DOM of regular pages. When you use document in a background script, you are referring to the DOM of the background page that Google Chrome creates for your extension.

To access the DOM of web pages you need a content script. You can specify it in the manifest or inject it programmatically using chrome.tabs.executeScript. As in your case you want to always run it in a specific URL the easiest way is via the manifest:


And in your content.js you can put:

var username = document.getElementById("ctl00_Username");
var password = document.getElementById("ctl00_Password");
var button = document.getElementById("ctl00_ButtonLogin");
if (username && password && button) {
   username.value = "####";
   password.value = "######";;

So in your background.js you only need to leave the redirect code:

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    if (tab.url == "")
        chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {"url": ""});

(BTW, there are more efficient ways to cause a redirect using chrome.webRequest)

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