D3 Donut Chart Not Visible Entirely When In Mobile View
I am showing up some data using d3 donut chart as shown below, however when I switch to mobile view, chart is not visible properly how can I make it work or make it show entire don
Solution 1:
I assume you're setting the size of your chart once when the page gets rendered.
When setting static values you need to listen to resize to make your chart responsive: https://api.jquery.com/resize/ (Maybe only rerender when resize ends : jQuery - how to wait for the 'end' of 'resize' event and only then perform an action?)
I'm not getting the relation between "chart-time-spent" and your "chart-total-users"
I set up a fiddle having Bootstrap and d3 as well as your base variables:
var width = $(".chart-time-spent").width(),
height = 250,
radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2,
legendPosY = (height / 2) - 20;
If resize does not solve your problem, try to describe it there.
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