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Finding Who Deleted The Message

My discord.js bot is programmed to log deleted messages. I have the code setup, but I was wondering if there was a way to see who deleted it? Thanks. Heres the code: bot.on('messag

Solution 1:

There is no smooth and accurate way to do this as @NintendoZaedus correctly pointed out. However I made a way to somewhat do this with minimal possible mistakes made.

Do note these are impossible at the time of writing this and will return 'Unknown':

  • See which bot deleted a message as Discord does not log message deletions for bots
  • See if the author deleted their own message (Discord does not log this either)
  • 100% determine if the message deleted matches the fetched audit log due to Discord not including the message ID in audit logs
// If discord.js isn't defined, add this, if it is, don't.constDiscord = require("discord.js");

bot.on("messageDelete", async (messageDelete) => {
  // Add latency as audit logs aren't instantly updated, adding a higher latency will result in slower logs, but higher accuracy.awaitDiscord.Util.delayFor(900);

  // Fetch a couple audit logs than just one as new entries could've been added right after this event was emitted.const fetchedLogs = await messageDelete.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
    limit: 6,
    type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE'

  const auditEntry = fetchedLogs.entries.find(a =>// Small filter function to make use of the little discord provides to narrow down the correct audit entry. === && === &&
    // Ignore entries that are older than 20 seconds to reduce false - a.createdTimestamp < 20000

  // If entry exists, grab the user that deleted the message and display username + tag, if none, display 'Unknown'. const executor = auditEntry.executor ? auditEntry.executor.tag : 'Unknown';

  // Finally, prepare the embed and send the log. (using similar code posted by thread author but improved)// <Discord>.MessageEmbed for v12, <Discord>.RichEmbed for older.constDeleteEmbed = newDiscord.MessageEmbed()
    .setTitle("DELETED MESSAGE")
    .addField("Author",, true)
    // New field for user which deleted the message.
    .addField("Deleted By", executor, true)
    .addField("Channel",, true)
    // Messages can be empty too, but I won't be going over how to include embeds/attachments, just displaying 'None' instead to avoid undefined/null.
    .addField("Message", messageDelete.content || "None")
    .setFooter(`Message ID: ${} | Author ID: ${}`);

  constDeleteChannel = messageDelete.guild.channels.find(x => === "delete-log");

Solution 2:

There is no way of doing it except through the audit logs which might be very buggy and hard to work with. I hope this is a little help to you.

Solution 3:

I think the only way you can achieve that is by looking at the audit logs.

client.on("messageDelete", async msg => {
  let logs = await msg.guild.fetchAuditLogs({type: 72});
  let entry = logs.entries.first();

  let embed = newDiscord.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle("**DELETED MESSAGE**")
    .addField("Author",, true)
    .addField("Channel",, true)
    .addField("Message", msg.content)
    .addField("Executor", entry.executor)
    .addField("Reason", entry.reason || "Unspecified")
    .setFooter(`Message ID: ${} | Author ID: ${}`);

  let channel = msg.guild.channels.find(x => === 'delete-log');

Solution 4:

This can be achieved by using With this, you can even show their avatar.

bot.on("messageDelete", async(message) => {
    let delEmbed = new discord.RichEmbed()
    .setDescription("A message from a user was deleted!")
    .addField("Message", message.content)

    let loggingChannel = message.guild.channels.find(ch => === "logs")
    if(!loggingChannel) return;

Solution 5:

I edited the message to make it more beatufil:

const Discord = require("discord.js);

bot.on("messageDelete", async msg => {
let logs = await msg.guild.fetchAuditLogs({type: 72});
let entry = logs.entries.first();

let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  .setTitle("**DELETED MESSAGE**")
  .setDescription(`**Author:** ${}\n**Channel:** ${}\n**Message:** ${msg.content}\n**Executor**: ${entry.executor}`)
  .setFooter(`Message ID: ${}\nAuthor ID: ${}`)
let delchannel = msg.guild.channels.find(x => === 'your-log-channel-name');

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