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Node.js Event-stream: Where To Setmaxlisteners?

I have searched and searched for this, to no avail. I've combed the web (including Stackoverflow), and the Node docs for an answer, and not found one---that worked (maybe that's ju

Solution 1:

In Node.js 0.12 (soon to be released) you'll be able to set the max for all emitters:

var events = require('events');
events.EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 100;

More in the relevant commit.

Solution 2:

This is not a direct answer to your question, but you can pass an array of glob patterns to 'gulp.src()' instead of merging multiple 'gulp.src()'s. Doesn't it solve your problem?


As a direct answer, the following worked for me:

var merged = eventStream.merge(...);
return merged.pipe(...);

While event listeners are added in the merge function, the listener count seems to be checked between ticks of the event loop. So we can setMaxListeners right after adding listeners.

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