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How To Compare Dates In Javascript With Two Different Format?

function mainFunc() { dueDate = '30/12/2014'; var firstReminderDate = dueDate; var today = new Date(); var firstDate = convertToDate(firstReminderDate); if (tod

Solution 1:

You can simplify your code. To get a date from dd/mm/yyyy, simply splitting on /, reversing the result and joining it on '/' gives you yyyy/mm/dd, which is valid input for a new Date to compare to some other Date. See snippet

var report = document.querySelector('#result');
report.innerHTML += '30/12/2014 => '+ mainFunc('30/12/2014');
report.innerHTML += '<br>01/12/2014 => '+ mainFunc('01/01/2014');

functionmainFunc(due) {
    due = due ? convertToDate(due) : newDate;
    returnnewDate > due 
           ? due +' passed: <b>send reminder to A</b>'
           : due +' not passed: <b>send reminder to B</b>';

functionconvertToDate(dateString) {

Solution 2:

Just return it in milliseconds format

functionconvertToDate(dateString) {
    var dateData = dateString.split("/");
    return +newDate(newDate().setFullYear(dateData[0], dateData[1] - 1, dateData[2]));

And also change var today = new Date(); to var today = +new Date();. Now it should work. + here converts Date object to milliseconds.

Solution 3:

The best way to compare two date is to instanciate them with same object, here you must use Date object.

    var firstDate = newDate( dueDate = "30/12/2014" );
    today = newDate(); 

    if( today > firstDate ){

Solution 4:

I will recomend momentjs lib to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.

var firstDate = moment("30/12/2014", "DD/MM/YYYY")
var today = moment();

// Format to Unix Timestamp to compareif(today.format('X') > firstDate.format('X')){

  //send reminder to A

  // send reminder to B

Here is the link

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