How To Update Handle Location On Slider Of D3js Dynamic Chart?
Here is a fiddle of a simple sample chart. I am new to learning about D3.js. I've been unable to figure out through tutorials or documentation how to create a tooltip like Mike Bos
Solution 1:
Three necessary changes (but you'll need more than that):
is a<path>
, and paths don't have ax
attribute. So, the first change is:handlePath.attr("transform", "translate(" + xAxisScale(h) + ",0)");
As you can see, I'm defining a new variable here:
var handlePath = handle.append("path").attr("d", "M-5.5,-2.5v10l6,5.5l6,-5.5v-10z") .attr("transform", "translate(" + initialXPos + "," + -6 + ")");
In your input, just use
h'value', h);
However, there is an additional problem: you don't have a function called drawAllCharts
. So, you'll have to create a specific update function to change the bars.
Here is the updated fiddle:
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