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How To Return The Response From A Nodejs' Https Get Request?

I am still learning node.js, so please be kind. I am struggling to get my head around some of the basics without having a book open. I have written a function to go out and get som

Solution 1:

Ah, the joys of learning Javascript's asynchronous programming model!

This line

const connection = authenticate( 'DATATOBEPASSED' , 'https://URLHERE');

returns to its caller before either event handler -- res.on("data", ...) and res.on("data", ...) get called with the results of your get operation.

You need to use a callback from your authenticate() function to deliver the results to its caller.

functionauthenticate( uuid , cdcloc, callback ) { 
    let url = cdcloc + "/api.php?uuid=" + uuid + '&auth';
    https.get(url,(res) => {
        let body = "";
        res.on("data", (chunk) => {
            body += chunk;
        res.on("end", () => {
            try {
                let cdcResponse = JSON.parse(body);
                // do something with JSONcallback(cdcResponse[0]);
            } catch (error) {
    }).on("error", (error) => {
authenticate( 'DATATOBEPASSED' , 'https://URLHERE',
    function (connection) {

There are language features known as Promises and async / await to help escape the confusing mess of nested callbacks we get into when we write significant code.

Solution 2:

node-style callbacks

The answer from O.Jones is correct but it goes against Node's convention of error-first callbacks. I think it is also a mistake to reach for https.get every single time you need to make a request. It is a low-level function and because it asks you to connect so many bits and pieces, it is likely you will make easily-avoidable mistakes.

We can write a generic getString function that wraps https.get -

const https = require('https')

functiongetString(url, options, callback)
{ https
    .get(url, options, res => {
      let s = "";
      res.on("data", d => s += d)
      res.on("end", _ =>callback(null, s) // error-first callback
    .on("error", e =>callback(e))         // error-first callback

Now that we have a generic function to fetch a string, we don't need to write res.on("data, ...) and res.on("end", ...) in every function that makes a request. But don't stop here. You will often want to JSON.parse the result -

functiongetJSON(url, options, callback)
{ getString(url, options, function(err, data)
  { if (err) callback(err)                         // getString errorelsetry { callback(null, JSON.parse(data) }   // JSON.parse successcatch (e) { callback(e) }                      // JSON.parse error

Now we can write authenticate without having touch the bare https.get or worrying about parsing JSON each time -

functionauthenticate(uuid, cdcloc, callback)             // callback
{ const url = cdcloc + "/api.php?uuid=" + uuid + '&auth'getJSON(url, {}, function(err, json)
  { if (err)
      callback(err)                                       // getJSON errorelseif (json.length == 0)
      callback(Error("empty response"))                   // empty response errorelsecallback(null, json[0])                             // success


But all of this is pretty painful still, isn't it? Enter Promises. Node-style callbacks were designed at a time when we didn't have access to async control flow primitives. We've come a long way since then. To see how promises work, we will re-implement the functions above, but this time without the need to pass callback and error-check everywhere -

const https = require('https')

functiongetString(url, options)           // no callback
{ returnnewPromise((resolve, reject) =>// return Promise
  { https
      .get(url, options, res => {
        let s = "";
        res.on("data", d => s += d)
        res.on("end", _ =>resolve(s))     // success, resolve
      .on("error", e =>reject(e))         // failure, reject

We immediately see the benefits of our new implementation when we rewrite getJSON -

functiongetJSON(url, options = {})   // no callback
{ returngetString(url, options)      // return promise
    .then(s =>JSON.parse(s))         // errors auto bubble up

And more benefits when we write authenticate -

functionauthenticate(uuid, cdcloc)                   // no callback
{ const url = `${cdcloc}/api.php?uuid=${uuid}&auth`returngetJSON(url)                                 // return promise
    .then(data => {
      if (data.length == 0)
        throwError("empty response")                 // local errorelsereturn data[0]                                // success
    })                                                // no error-check


Even Promises have been around for a long time and we've learned a lot since their native inclusion in ECMAScript. Remember to return promises and having to sequence all of the data through .then calls is tedious, the same way writing those initial res.on("data", ...) and res.on("end", ...) handlers felt. async and await keywords allows us to work with asynchronous control flow without having to sacrifice synchronous programming style -

asyncfunctiongetJSON(url, options = {})   // async
{ const s = awaitgetString(url, options)   // awaitreturnJSON.parse(s)                      // auto wrapped in Promise

Writing authenticate is easy and feels natural -

asyncfunctionauthenticate(uuid, cdcloc)                 // async 
{ const url = `${cdcloc}/api.php?uuid=${uuid}&auth`const data = awaitgetJSON(url)                         // awaitif (data.length == 0)
    throwError("empty response")                         // throw if emptyelsereturn data[0]                                        // return first

Using it is easy and feels natural too -

{ const connection = awaitauthenticate( 'DATATOBEPASSED' , 'https://URLHERE')
  // ...return"done"// or whatever

connect().then(console.log, console.error) // errors bubble all the way up


I should also mention that building URLs with string concatenation is tedious and prone to a host of errors. You should develop a sense for this pain and know that it means there's room for relief. Take a look at the URL module that can safely build/manipulate URLs in pretty much every way imaginable.

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