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Iframes And Memory Management In Javascript

I have links that load pages into iframes. I have been monitoring the accumulation of data in memory using Google Chrome's memory heap profiler and I noticed some leaks in memory.

Solution 1:

In the iframe, trigger a reload before removing it and then remove it.

<a href="#">Remove</a>
<iframesrc="url" />​

    }, 1000);

DEMO here.

Addionally, you can do a manual cleaning up too - i.e. if you have data in your cookies or HTML5 localStorage.

window.onbeforeunload = function(){
    $(document).unbind().die();    //remove listeners on document
    $(document).find('*').unbind().die(); //remove listeners on all nodes//clean up cookies
    /remove items fromlocalStorage

Solution 2:

If any objects from the iframe is referenced in a object in the main window that object won't be removed from the DOM, so, if you have something like this:

Main window:

varobject = {};
function iframe_call(data){
    object.iframe_data = data.something


function onClick(){

this happens especially if you refer DOM objects.

Solution 3:

var frame = document.getElementById("myframe");
frame.src = "about:blank";

This worked from me and prevented memory leaks. Ig you must destroy the parent of the iframe, do it with some delay to prevent memory leak

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