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What Means ( Value Unequal Value ) In Javascript?

I've seen these snippet in the polyfill shown on this MDN-documentation: // Casts the value of the variable to a number. // So far I understand it ... count = +count; // ... an

Solution 1:

In JavaScript NaN is the only value that's not equal to itself. So that's a check for NaN.

Solution 2:

This is the test when count is NaN because only NaN != NaN.

Solution 3:

Othere answers has already mentioned why that check is required. But there is another way to assign default value if expected value is a falsy value like NaN.

The if condition would not be required if you have this:

count = +count || 0; // so if count = NaN which is a falsy value then 0 will be assigned.

Solution 4:

I'll try to summarize what's already been said

if (count != count) {

checks if count is NaN. According to the specs:

A reliable way for ECMAScript code to test if a value X is a NaN is an expression of the form X !== X. The result will be true if and only if X is a NaN.

(It doesn't matter much in this case, but the polyfill uses != instead of !== as required by the standard).

You might want to ask, why not to use isNaN? Because isNaN doesn't do what its name implies - it doesn't check if a value is a NaN, it checks if the value will beNaN when converted to a Number. For example, "foo" is clearly not a NaN, still isNaN("foo") will be True. Conversely, isNaN([[1]]) is False, although [[1]] is not a valid number.

How about count = +count || 0? It's a valid shortcut, but MDN polyfills try to follow the standard as close as possible. The spec for String.repeat says:

Let n be ToInteger(count).

where ToInteger is

Let number be ToNumber(argument).


If number is NaN, return +0.

Note that it doesn't say "call isNaN", it says "if number is NaN", and a way to find out is to compare number with itself.

Another option is Number.isNaN, which, unlike the global isNaN, doesn't coerce its argument. Number.isNaN(x) will return true if and only if the x is actually a NaN

Number.isNaN("foo")  => falseNumber.isNaN([[11]]) => falseNumber.isNaN(0/0)    => true

So the cryptic comparison operator if (count !== count) can be replaced with if (Number.isNaN(count)).

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