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How To Resolve "tridion Is Undefined" Error In A Tridion Popup Page?

I am customizing the ribbon toolbar and adding a button to it. Whenever I click on that button, it will open a aspx page allows authors to select some data, which gets appended to

Solution 1:

This means that the JavaScript from Tridion is not loaded. Did you include the


UserControl on your popup page?

Solution 2:

I might be repeating myself, but have you tried following any of the available Tutorials for creating a GUI extension?

Can you get any of those to work?

Hint: google for "Tridion gui extension tutorial"

Solution 3:

I recently got the same error, though likely for different reasons.

  1. Robert Curlette (RCWeb) has a great guide on the two now-familiar "broken" GUI screens.
  2. We also have a good tip from the PowerTools wiki, specifically from Peter Kjaer:

Visit the resource directly http://{hostname}/WebUI/Editors/CME/Views/Dashboard/Dashboard_v6.{version number}_.aspx?mode=js

I can see this in Chrome's console with a missing service dll. I get the same Tridion is not defined error, but another one for the Dashboard. You can right-click on the Dashboard_... link, open a new tab, and get more information.

UncaughtSyntaxError: Unexpected token < Dashboard_v6.1.0.55920.2_.aspx?mode=js:3UncaughtReferenceError: Tridion is not defined stringresources.js:1
(anonymous function) stringresources.js:1

In my specific case, I had the following.

Exception of type'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.
Could notfind file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\PowerTools\Model\Services\{one of the many outstanding contributions}.svc'.

Removing the offending file in the Model configuration file fixed my error. Though we may never know what really happened in the mysterious case of the Two Items in a Query String.

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